Meditation Basics: The Who, What, When, Where & Why of Meditation

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meditation just the basics the who what when where and why of meditation

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Mditation has been around for a very very long time. Despite this fact, there are a lot of misconceptions about it. I want to go over the need-to-know facts about meditation. A quick overview of the who, what, when, where, and why of meditation.

1. Who is Meditation For

Who is meditation for? The short answer is that meditation is for everybody. It doesn’t cost anything, you don’t need any special equipment, and meditation is not affiliated with any particular religion. The only thing that you need to be able to meditate is to dedicate a little tiny bit of time to just sitting in the here and the now.

2. What is Meditation

Meditation is a technique that gives us some space between us, and our thoughts. Meditation helps to slow the rate that our thoughts pop into our heads, and gives us more time between each of those thoughts.

It also allows us to have a separation between us our thoughts. When we can separate ourselves from our thoughts we can start to feel more at ease. You can take a step back and observe those thoughts and feelings without feeling the need to get involved with them, try to stop them, or try to change things. We can allow ourselves to just observe, become more objective, and gain some information and perspective.

3. When Should You Meditate

You can meditate anytime. Take a look at your current schedule and figure out what works best for you. Don’t feel like you have to change your schedule for meditation, instead, fit meditation into your schedule as it stands.
To find the best time think about your energy level. If you’re overly tired you’re just going to end up falling asleep instead of meditating. Pick a point in the day where you feel awake enough to meditate. Also, try to pick a point in time where you’re not going to be interrupted. This might mean choosing a time for example when your kids or your family are sleeping and you have the house to yourself. Think about your stress level. Are there points during the day as stress ebbs and flows that you feel like you might get more benefit from taking some time meditating.
Bottom line, let your lifestyle dictate when you meditate not vice versa

4. Where Should You Meditate

There are no big requirements for where you should meditate. The best place to meditate is any place where you can sit uninterrupted, and that’s quiet. If that means popping out and sitting in your car for a few minutes that could be a great place to meditate. Maybe there’s a quiet place at your job like a conference room. I’ve seen people convert walk-in closets is meditation spaces.

It really isn’t important where. You just need a comfortable place to sit. Comfort is very important. Equip yourself with whatever you need to be comfortable. A comfy chair or cushion can be helpful. Get creative. If you want to create a dedicated space this will help to build in a commitment to your meditation practice.

Don’t worry if you aren’t able to create a fancy space, just use what you have. It’s no big deal, just take action.

5. Why Should You Meditate

Meditation has so many benefits. The most important thing to remember is that your thoughts become reality. When we are feeling overwhelmed remember that that will create our reality.

By dedicating some time, it doesn’t have to be a lot of time just 5 to 10 minutes, to a meditation practice you will see the benefits. You will reduce your stress level, decrease your anxiety, decrease depression, and decrease your blood pressure. Meditation will also increase your positive thoughts, your level of focus, positive immune function, and your control over your emotions. All with no cost and very little time.

So why not meditate!

Let Me Know What You Think

Drop a comment below and let me know what you would like to know about meditation. In the future I will get into the specifics of how to meditate.

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Andrea Andres
Andrea AndresRegistered Yoga Instructor | Certified Breathwork Coach
Welcome, I’m Andrea, and I help overworked busy people recover from physical and mental stress, and avoid burnout using evidence-based yoga, breathwork, and meditation techniques.


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