Unlock Your Intuition: How to Meditate With Tarot Cards

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how to meditate with tarot cards

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Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or just needing a moment to relax? I totally get it. Life can be hectic, and sometimes we just need to take a step back and breathe. That’s where meditation comes in. But have you ever thought about incorporating tarot cards into your meditation practice? Wondering how to meditate with tarot cards? It may sound a little unconventional, but hear me out.

Meditation is all about quieting the mind, focusing on the present moment, and finding inner peace. Tarot cards, on the other hand, are often associated with divination and fortune telling. However, they can also be used as a tool for self-reflection and introspection. Learning how to meditate with tarot cards can create a powerful practice that allows you to connect with your intuition and gain deeper insights into your life. 

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “I don’t know anything about tarot cards!” or “Isn’t that just woo woo stuff?” Trust me, you don’t need to know how to read tarot cards, be a tarot expert, or a crystal guru to incorporate tarot into your meditations. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to explore.

I’II walk you through the basics of how to meditate with tarot cards. We’ll cover everything from choosing the right deck to picking a card. I’ll also provide a simple meditation technique to get you started. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the tools you need to create a meaningful and transformative meditation practice using tarot. So grab your favorite deck and let’s get started!

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Benefits of Meditating With Tarot Cards

Meditation is a powerful tool that can help us connect with our inner selves and achieve a sense of calm and clarity.

Tarot, on the other hand, has the stereotype of often being associated with trying to predict the future and fortune-telling.

Meditating with cards can help you unlock your intuitiveness and deepen your connection to your inner voice. It offers a tool to help offer host of additional benefits on top of your normal practice.

Decreased Anxiety & Increased Focus

Stress and anxiety can be overwhelming and make it difficult to focus on anything else. One of the key benefits of meditating with tarot cards is that it can help decrease anxiety and increase focus. By using the cards as a mental anchor, you give your mind something to focus on, which can help you learn to quiet your mind and be present in the moment.

This mindfulness technique can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of peace and calm. Plus, by taking the time to slow down and be present, you may also gain a new perspective on the things that are causing you stress in the first place.

Improved Mental Clarity

When we’re feeling stressed or anxious, our minds can become cluttered with negative thoughts and worries. By meditating with tarot cards, we give our minds a focal point.

Learning to focus our minds helps us gain clarity on our thoughts and emotions. This can help us make better decisions and feel more confident in our choices. Plus, by taking the time to slow down and really be present with ourselves, we may also gain a deeper understanding of our own thought patterns and tendencies.

Improved Intuition

Meditating with tarot cards can help us tap into our own innate knowledge and improve our connection to our inner voice. Tarot is often associated with gaining foresight and can help us learn to trust our gut and make decisions that are aligned with our true selves.

By taking the time to really be present with the cards and our own instincts and wisdom, we may also gain a new perspective on the things that are important to us. Plus, by learning to listen to our gut instincts, we may be more likely to make choices that are in line with our values and goals.

Meditating with tarot cards can be a powerful tool for unlocking our own insight, improving our practice, and connecting with our inner selves.

Choosing a Tarot Deck

When it comes to choosing a tarot deck, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. You have to go with your gut feeling and pick something that resonates with you. Maybe you’re drawn to the colorful and whimsical decks, or you prefer the classic and traditional ones.

Whatever the case may be, take some time to sit down and clear your mind, and maybe hold the decks you’re considering in your hands while you do it. See which one speaks to you on a deeper level. Don’t rush the decision, either. Take your time and explore different options until you find the one that feels right.

Trust your instincts, and don’t be afraid to have fun with it. After all, tarot is all about tapping into your own wisdom and having a little bit of magic in your life.

Don’t worry if you don’t know what a tarot spread is, or if you don’t know anything about tarot card reading. You can choose to either focus on the meaning of the card during your meditation, or just visualize the imagery on the card and use your own interpretation.

Below are four of my favorite tarot decks. Each have something different to offer. You can use these as a starting point to choose your own perfect deck.

The Erbacan Beginner Deck includes everything you need to know right on the card. It includes the image, meaning, numerology etc. No additional references necessary.

If you want to see classic images along with the meanings, then this is the deck for you.

This deck is as simple as it gets. The Tarotorial Training Deck strips down each card to just a summary of the upright and reversed meanings.

If you want a simplified deck that focuses on the card meanings, this is the deck for you.

The Tarot of the Divine has some of the most beautiful, vibrant artwork you’ll find. Artist Yoshi Yoshitani uses imagery from fairy tales and folklore from around the world in this deck.

If you’re looking for a deck with beautiful artistic imagery, then this is the deck for you.

The Rider-Waite deck is the classic OG tarot deck that set the standard for all others. These are the classic familiar tarot images that you’re used to seeing. These are the images that originated in 1909 when the deck was first published.

If you’re into the traditional imagery this it the deck for you.

Step-by-Step How to Meditate With Tarot Cards

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of meditating with tarot cards, let’s dive into a step-by-step guide on how to get started.

1. Pick Your Space

Pick a space where you feel comfortable and relaxed. This could be a quiet room in your home, a peaceful garden, or any other space where you feel at ease.

2. Gather Your Materials

Next, gather your materials. You’ll need a card deck, a comfortable cushion or chair to sit on, and a journal or notebook to record your experiences.

3. Select a Tarot Card

Once you have your materials, it’s time to choose your card. Remember this isn’t a tarot reading. You can shuffle the deck and select a card at random by picking the card in front, or you can choose a card from the deck that resonates with you in the moment. Take your time and trust your gut when selecting your card.

4. Set Your Intention

Before you begin, it’s helpful to take a moment to set your intention. This could be anything from gaining clarity on a particular issue, focusing on the tarot card meanings, or to simply connecting with your inner self. Visualize your intention and hold it in your mind as you move into your practice.

5. Focus On Your Breath

Once you’ve set your intention, it’s time to focus on your breath. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. As you inhale, imagine that you are breathing in calm and peaceful energy. As you exhale, imagine that you are releasing any tension or stress. This will help you sink into a relaxed, meditative state.

6. Begin Your Meditation

Now that you’re relaxed and focused, it’s time to begin. Take a few moments to look at the image of the card you selected. Notice any details or symbols in the card’s image that stand out to you.

Next, close your eyes and visualize the image of the card in your mind. Allow yourself to be fully present with the card and notice any thoughts or emotions that arise.

7. Take Your Time

As you visualize your card, take your time and allow yourself to fully experience the moment. Don’t rush or try to force anything. Simply allow yourself to be present with the card and your own inner wisdom.

8. Journaling Your Experience

After you finish, take a few moments to journal your experience. Write down any thoughts, emotions, or insights that arise during your practice. Journaling can help you track your progress and gain a deeper understanding of your own instincts.

Tips for Tarot Meditation

When it comes to meditating with tarot cards, there are no hard and fast rules. It’s all about finding what works best for you. As you begin to explore this practice, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Find Your Own Way

Remember, there’s no one right or wrong way to meditate with tarot cards. Play around with different techniques and find what resonates with you. Some people prefer to focus on a single card for an extended period of time, while others like to shuffle the deck and select a new card each time. Follow your instincts and see where it leads you.

Don’t Take It Too Seriously

While the tarot has a rich history and are often associated with divination and fortune-telling, meditating with them is all about personal growth and self-exploration. Don’t get too caught up in trying to get the “right” answer or outcome. Simply allow yourself to be present with the cards and trust your own inner wisdom.

Journal to Track Your Experiences

Keeping a journal is a great way to track your experiences and gain deeper insights into your subconscious mind. After each session, take a few moments to jot down any thoughts, emotions, or insights that arose during your practice. Over time, you’ll start to notice patterns or themes that can help you better understand yourself and learn to trust your instincts. Plus, it’s a great way to look back and see how far you’ve come.

Try It For Yourself

Meditating with tarot cards can be a powerful tool for unlocking your own insight and deepening your meditation practice. By following the steps outlined in this guide and experimenting with different techniques, you can begin to experience the benefits of using the tarot for meditation. So why not give it a try and see what insights and wisdom you can uncover?

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Andrea Andres
Andrea AndresRegistered Yoga Instructor | Certified Breathwork Coach
Welcome, I’m Andrea, and I help overworked busy people recover from physical and mental stress, and avoid burnout using evidence-based yoga, breathwork, and meditation techniques.


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